Inspirit Studio Apps

全民速遞Anyway(速遞員版) - 全新速遞App 平台 1.26
Inspirit Studio
為何使用全民速遞Anyway(速遞員版)?*做行街工作日日走來走去都跑唔到數?不如順路幫人送埋貨賺多份糧啦*日日係固定時間走固定行程?不如日日賺多份收入啦*日日OT沒糧補?不如準時收工做全民速遞啦“全民速遞”係一個革命性P2P順路帶貨既手機APP。我地旨在全民參與 ,無需經驗,凡年滿十八歲本地居民即可登記。
Anyway by Inspirit Studio 1.24
Inspirit Studio
No matter you are individuals, business, or retailers, you alwayshave a chance to deliver something to your friends, businesspartners, or clients. Why bother to search for a suitable “postman”every time? Anyway is the best fit for your delivery needs and thefast-paced Hong Kong lifestyle. matching the closest on-the-wayAnyway courier to deliver the parcel for you. Different fromtraditional courier companies, Anyway helps you match freedeliverymen or drivers around you to provide one-to-one andhand-to-hand real time deliveries within just 2 hours. From now,you don’t need to wait one day for your delivery caused by the masscollection and distribution process. Instant demand should besolved instantly! Despite of the normal point to point deliveryservice, Anyway also provides you an option to settle the deliveryin subway stations, allowing all 88 stations to be your settlementpoints, a handy, prompt, and cost effective choice for you. WhyAnyway -Anytime available, 7/24 -2 hour delivery standard -noboundaries on service areas- available on residential area,commercial area, and remote area as well -no limitation on weightor size, small or large parcels are all welcome. -GPS real timetracking system -User friendly and simple interface-1 minute is allyou need to place an order -subway settlement option isavailable-handy, prompt, and cost effective -all couriers mustregister and pass through our verification process to ensure thesafety of your parcels Who should use Anyway? Why? Retail StoresStill ask your clients to wait for 2 days for delivery? Anyway helpto settle in just 2 hours, an absolute asset to your productsIndividuals: No matter you are too busy or too lazy, sometimes youmust have a need for an instant delivery. Anyway helps you delivervarious trivial things to your friends or family anytime, anywhere.Business: Can’t deliver parcels before or after business hours?Anyway is there for you